In order to be properly reimbursed by your insurance company in the event of a claim on your home, it is imperative that your electrical installation and your electrical panel comply with specific standards. Find out everything you need to know on the subject.
An old house often means an aging electrical installation. Thus, it is very likely that problems related to this obsolescence are likely to appear. This is the reason why insurers are often reluctant to cover old houses.
Therefore, if you want to be sure about your home insurance, it is advisable to have your entire electrical installation checked and then have your electrical panel replaced. You won't regret having this work done, both for your safety and your insurance.
Your house does not have to be old for your electrical panel to be a hindrance to your insurer's coverage of your home. In fact, the various standards in effect on the safety and connection of electrical installations change frequently. These changes are made according to technological advances.
Therefore, it may be necessary to update your electrical panel by replacing it when it no longer complies with standards. Inappropriate fuses and circuit breakers, non-compliance with installation and safety rules in the kitchen and bathroom... Many elements make your home dangerous and exposed to the risk of fire and electrocution accidents.
Insuring your home covers you against any potential loss that may result in damage to your home. The causes of this loss can be many, and in most cases, electrical.
However, if investigations show that the loss was caused by a failure of the electrical panel or the installation due to non-compliance with standards, you may not be compensated or even penalized.
Therefore, to ensure that your electrical panel is always up to code, it is highly recommended that you call a professional such as Erco to replace and update it.
Modifying your installation yourself exposes you to the risk of electrocution. In addition, you may not have the equipment and know-how to complete the work.
At Erco, we have a seasoned, experienced and professional team capable of performing all your electrical panel verification, replacement and installation work. We work on both new and existing homes.
Thanks to our services, you can be serene about your security and you can insure your home with complete peace of mind. In addition, before the work is done, we prepare a free estimate and adjust it according to your budget.